What's in an Emo Love Relationship?

Emo Love

Emo love is a special kind of relationship based on the lifestyle of emo music. While everyone is unique, a relationship among emos does tend to be more emotionally charged. But this intensity opens the door to a deeper and more romantic relationship.

What is Emo?

Emo is short for emotional, and it is used first and foremost to characterize a style of emotionally charged punk rock. After the hardcore punk scene evaporated in the early 1980s, bands were trying to figure out what to do next and many new genres were developed.

Emo is considered a more mature sound than the music of the 1970s and early 1980s, with more complex lyrics as well as slower tempos, more guitar-driven sounds, and intense vocal delivery.

This style of music is passionate, intense and emotional, both for the artist and the people who listen to the music. Emo was originally used as a derisive term, but now people who love the sound wear the badge proudly. It's a common aspect of dating for teens and young adults.

Emo Fashion

If you're looking for an emo love, it's likely you'll be able to find him or her by the way they dress. Of course, this is somewhat a generalization, but many dress in a similar manner to distinguish themselves from other punks out there.

Emo is generally thought of to be a combination of what you'd normally think of as punk and gothic fashions. People tend to wear tight jeans and small, tight, often vintage T-shirts or shirts of punk banks. Black hair and bangs are also popular. Chuck Taylors are almost a required part of the uniform, as are black, studded belts and black-rimmed glasses.

What is Emo Love?

Emo love is different from the normal dating scene mostly because of the emotional quality of the relationship and the characteristics of the emo personality. Emos are, of course, thought to be very emotional and wear their emotions close to the surface. You need to be careful with emo love because it's easy to hurt an emos' feelings.

Emo personalities have a reputation for being shy, sensitive, introverted and quiet. None of that is a bad thing, it's just good to know what you're getting into if you're not an emo and find yourself in the midst of emo love.

A controversial aspect of the stereotypical emo personality profile is a propensity for cutting, burning, or self-mutilation. While obviously this is not true for all individuals, it is something to be aware of.

Falling in Emo Love

Being in emo love can be a wonderful experience. There's a lot of affection and emotion and it is quite an intense experience. But it can also be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Because often they are so sensitive and emotional, the smallest fight can seem like the end of the world.

When you're feeling the love, though, emo love can be great. This persona tends to be romantic and often write poetry or love songs for his or her beloved. You will definitely feel wanted and appreciated when you're with an emo.

Emo Dating

Because there are dating sites for every interest these days, there are sites dedicated to emo love. Here are a few to check out in your quest for the perfect sweetie:

Like any kind of dating, go into dating your emo partner with an open mind and an open heart and odds are you'll have a good experience.

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What's in an Emo Love Relationship?