10 Creative Boyfriend Gifts

Romantic Gifts for Guys
Hmm ... What can I get him?

If you're tired of giving that special guy in your life t-shirts, photo frames and cologne, it's time to start thinking of some other creative boyfriend gifts. Creative gifts are good for two reasons. First, your boyfriend will not be expecting them, and second, you'll help to add a little creative spark to your relationship.

Ideas for Creative Boyfriend Gifts

Note that the term creative doesn't have to mean completely crazy and off the wall. A good creative gift can still be simple and easy to come by. The following are some creative boyfriend gifts.

Homemade Gifts

If you really want to impress your boyfriend and let him know you put a lot of thought into his present, take some time to make it yourself.

  • Make him cookies and decorate them to represent his favorite band, TV show or sports team.
  • Create a certificate or poster proclaiming your boyfriend to be the "World's Sweetest Boyfriend."
  • Cook him a backwards meal, such as pancakes for dinner or pasta for breakfast. Serve dessert before the entrée.

Wearable Gifts

Clothing is a good gift for your boyfriend because it's practical and it reminds him of you when he wears it, but get out of that t-shirt rut.

  • Get a baseball cap custom stitched with your favorite pet name on the front of it.
  • Search the mall or the Internet for the craziest looking tie, pair of boxers or pair of socks available. You may even be able to find some of these items with hearts or lip prints!
  • Paint a pair of sneakers, such as Chuck Taylors with romantic quotes that represent your relationship.

Actionable Gifts

A gift doesn't have to be something you can hold in your hand. Giving the gift of an adventure creates lasting memories. Don't forget to bring the camera.

  • Plan a scavenger hunt for your boyfriend that includes clues that lead to an entire day of little excursions, such as trips to the park and to the ice rink.
  • Take him to a comedy show, a ski resort, a skeet range, or anywhere else the two of you haven't been before.
  • Serenade him. Go for a very romantic song or an incredibly goofy one. It doesn't matter if you're a good singer or not. If he loves you, he'll love it or at least appreciate the effort.

Gag Gifts

Perhaps you want to buy creative boyfriend gifts that are a bit on the quirky side? There are many of these products available.

  • All Pop Art lets you put your and your boyfriend's face into American pop art portraits, including American Gothic. The result is an original canvas print or poster.

The key to choosing a good gift for your boyfriend is to put yourself in his shoes. If you have a hard time coming up with ideas for what to give him, ask his close friends and family members. Don't just pick up any old thing because you think it would be fun or creative. Remember, just because you'd like a certain present doesn't mean he will too. If you have shared interests, by all means try to incorporate them into the gift. Some of the best creative gifts you can give your boyfriend are ones that both of you can enjoy together.

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10 Creative Boyfriend Gifts